Lithuania - Medaus Tortas

Lithuania - Medaus Tortas

A tasty cake layered with honey biscuits & lemon sour cream filling. Delish! 


110g unsalted butter

130g honey

50g dark soft brown sugar

50g caster sugar

1 egg

30g sour cream

400g plain flour

1 tsp. baking powder

1 x Earl Grey tea bag (for soaking) 


500g sour cream

100g sugar

Zest of 1 lemon

2 tsp lemon juice

130g double cream 


For the biscuit dough: Melt the butter & honey together. Leave to cool. Place into a mixing bowl. Add in the sugars and mix to combine. Whisk together the egg & sour cream before adding into the mixture. Mix together the flour & baking powder in a seperate bowl. Add into the dough & combine. Divide the dough in two pieces & wrap in clingfilm. Refridgerate for 1 hour. 

Preheat the oven to 170C & line a few baking trays with parchment. Roll out the dough onto a floured surface to approx 2cm thick (you want the dough to be quite thin.) Cut out seven 6inch discs (I used a cake tin as a stencil) and place onto your prepared baking trays along with any scrap pieces of dough. These will be used to cover the cake later. Lightly poke holes all over the top of each disc using a fork. Bake for 8-10 minutes until golden. Set aside to cool. 

When youre ready to build; brew a mug of Earl Grey tea and blend the baked scrap biscuit until it becomes a crumb. 

For the filling, whip the double cream to soft peaks. Whisk together the rest of the filling ingredients before folding in the whipped cream. Brush each biscuit with Earl Grey tea. Stack each biscuit on top of each other on your desired plate with a few spoonfuls of filling between each layer. Don't spread the filling too close to the edges or it may spill out as you stack. Finish by coating it in the remaining lemon cream & pushing the biscuit crumb all over the outside until the cake is completely covered. Leave to set overnight in the fridge before slicing.


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