Denmark - Brunsviger

Denmark - Brunsviger

Hands down, one of my favourite things I've made in the last few months. A must try! I couldn't get enough. Why have I never made it before?! Who knows. Just know I'd make it again in a heartbeat  

Ingredients (recipe from @_sundaybaker)

240ml whole milk

7g active dry yeast

50g sugar

1 egg

1/2 tsp salt

420g plain flour

85g unsalted butter, melted 


215g dark brown sugar

170g unsalted butter 


Warm the milk until just warmed (not hot) and add in the yeast. Stir & leave for 5 minutes until frothy.

In the bowl of a stand mixer combine the sugar, egg & melted butter with the milk/yeast mixture. Mix the salt into the flour and add into the mixer. Using a dough hook, knead until everything is combined. Continue to knead for 5 minutes on medium speed until a smooth elastic dough is formed.

Cover the bowl with clingfilm and leave to rise in a warm place for 1 hour (or doubled in size.)

Grease and line a 9x13inch baking tray with high sides. Place the dough into the prepared tray and, using your fingers, press it into the corners until it is an even layer covering the whole tray. Cover & leave to rise in a warm place again for about 1 hour.

In the meantime, for the topping, warm the butter and brown sugar over low heat. Keep stirring until its completely melted & emulsified together.

Preheat the oven to 200C. Press your fingers into the dough to make deep indents throughout. Pour over the melted sugar topping to fill the holes. Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden & bubbling (I like to turn the tray halfway through.) Cut & serve on the day. 

Original recipe:


Mexico - Tres Leches Cake


Argentina - Alfajores