Thailand - Mango Sticky Rice

Thailand - Mango Sticky Rice

This week for ‘Baking around the world’ we’re in Thailand! I get excited every time I get to make something from a country so vastly different from the one I grew up in. It often means that their desserts are vastly different too. If you have ripe mangoes available, this is a perfect fresh dessert. It’s also an absolute breeze to make!

Ingredients - serves 5

300g glutinous rice
400ml coconut milk
2 pinches of salt
60g caster sugar
Lightly toasted white sesame seeds
1-2 ripe mangoes
*Note: Make double the coconut sauce if you like a lot of sauce!


The night before:
Rinse the rice with cold water 4-5 times until the water runs clear. Place into a container and cover with more water. Cover and leave at room temperature overnight.

The next day:
Start by steaming your rice: strain the rice into a sieve. Place some boiling water into a saucepan that fits the sieve. Rest your sieve on top of the boiling water, making sure that it’s not touching the water. Lay a tea towel over the top followed by the lid. Place over medium heat and steam for approx. 30 minutes, or until the rice is cooked.

In the meantime, make the coconut sauce. Place the coconut milk, sugar and salt into a pan and bring it to the boil whisking occasionally. Separate off 150ml of the coconut sauce and place into the fridge to chill. This will be your pouring sauce. Keep the remaining sauce warm until needed.

Once your rice is cooked, tip out of the sieve and mix through the remaining 250ml of coconut sauce. set aside at room temperature for 30 minutes.

Plate the dish by filling a damp cup with rice. Tip it out onto your plate and sprinkle over some lightly toasted white sesame seeds. Arrange some thinly sliced mango on the side and serve with the chilled coconut sauce. Best eaten fairly soon once it’s been made.

Thailand - Mango Sticky Rice

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