Canada - Nanaimo Bars

Nanaimo Bars

A chocolate, coconut and biscuit base, custard buttercream middle layer, all finished with a dark indulgent chocolate topping. I great snack to make at the weekend for an afternoon pick me up during the week.

Ingredients - makes 8


90g butter

40g sugar

1 medium egg

2 tbsp cocoa powder

1 tsp vanilla extract 

135g biscuits, crushed (Graham Crackers are best)

70g desiccated coconut

40g chopped almonds 

Custard buttercream:

45g butter

3 tbsp double cream

1 1/2 tbsp custard powder

190g icing sugar, sieved 


125g 70% dark chocolate

4 tbsp double cream 


Line a 9x5inch loaf tin with a piece of parchment that drapes over two sides and the base.

Base: Melt the butter, sugar, vanilla & cocoa powder together in a saucepan over low heat. Off the heat, whisk in the egg. Place back on the heat for a few seconds, while whisking, until you have a fudgey consistancy. Take off the heat and add in the biscuit, coconut & nuts. Pack into the prepared loaf tin with the back of a spoon and refridgerate. 

Custard buttercream: cream the butter & Custard powder until pale. Alternately add in the icing sugar & double cream until you have a smooth buttercream. Spread over the set base & freeze for 20 minutes. 

Topping: Melt the chocolate and cream together, stirring until you have a glossy mixture. Pour over the set custard layer and spread evenly. Leave to set in the fridge for a couple of hours. 

Lift the Nanaimo Bars out of the tin using the parchment, and cut into 8 pieces using a hot knife.


Germany - Maulwurfkuchen


Lemon Cream Cheese, Harissa and Honey Crumpets