Cyprus - Flaouna

Cyprus - Flaouna

A typical easter bake from Cyrpus, Flaouna is a delicious cheese pastry filled with mint, raisins and herbs. The dough is coated in white sesame seeds before adding in the filling which gives these a delicious nutty flavour. If you can, get your hands on the traditional spices (I’ve included some substitutions in case you can’t.)

Ingredients - makes 8

225g halloumi

225g cheddar

50g semolina

3 tbsp fresh mint, chopped

120g raisins

2 eggs

1/2 tsp each mahlepi & mastic spice (or ground cardamom & fennel)

1 tsp baking powder 


370g strong flour

Pinch of salt

1/4 tsp each mahlepi & mastic spice (or ground cardamom & fennel)

80ml olive oil

90ml whole milk, warm

1 tsp dried yeast

1/2 tsp sugar

2 eggs

20ml water

150g sesame seeds, to coat

1 egg, to brush 


The night before: finely grate the cheese & combine with all other filling ingredients except the baking powder. Cover & refridgerate overnight. For the dough; place the yeast in the warmed milk for 5 minutes until frothy. Place the flour, salt, spices, olive oil, sugar & eggs in the bowl of a stand mixer. Add the yeast/milk & mix on medium speed until a dough is formed. Add in the water & mix on for 5 minutes until smooth & elastic. Place in an oiled bowl, cover & refridgerate overnight. 

On the day: Add the baking powder into the cheese mix & divide into 8 balls (approx. 90g) Set aside.

Preheat the oven to 175C. Take the dough from the fridge onto a floured surface & divide into 8 pieces. Tip the sesame seeds onto a large plate.

Roll each piece of dough into a small rectangle. Brush the top with a little water and flip upside down into the sesame seeds. Press down to stick. Place the sesame seed side down & roll over to press the seeds into the dough. Roll until it's two inches bigger than the cheese pieces on each side.

Fold each side of the dough up and onto the cheese filling, leaving the middle exposed. Press into the four overlapping corners to push the filling out a little & to secure the dough is stuck together. Place onto a lined baking tray & brush with whisked egg.

Bake for 20-25 minutes, until golden & bubbling. Eat on the day they're made.


Ricotta Lemon Pancakes & Blueberry Syrup


The Netherlands - Stroopwafel