Herby, Roasted Garlic Scones
Savoury Hope Cameron-Webb Savoury Hope Cameron-Webb

Herby, Roasted Garlic Scones

I dreamt of a savoury scone, packed full of herbs & caramelised roasted garlic with just a touch of sweetness. So I immediately went into my kitchen and conjured these up. Two batches and a couple of tweaks later and they're here. 

Super flaky, buttery and full of chives, dill & rosemary. Chuck in a whole bulb of roasted garlic & they're perfect.  

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Brazil - Pão de Queijo
Baking Around The World, Savoury, Dough Hope Cameron-Webb Baking Around The World, Savoury, Dough Hope Cameron-Webb

Brazil - Pão de Queijo

These evoke strong memories from my days working in a 5 star hotel. On long shifts where we all needed a pick me up; one of the Brazilian chefs, Tony, would make these for us. They really perked us up and meant we all got to stop for 5 minutes to eat together. This is a really easy recipe and the tapioca flour is a must! It’s responsible for these Pão de Queijo’s iconic texture.

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Cyprus - Flaouna
Dough, Baking Around The World, Savoury Hope Cameron-Webb Dough, Baking Around The World, Savoury Hope Cameron-Webb

Cyprus - Flaouna

A typical easter bake from Cyrpus, Flaouna is a delicious cheese pastry filled with mint, raisins and herbs. The dough is coated in white sesame seeds before adding in the filling which gives these a delicious nutty flavour. If you can, get your hands on the traditional spices (I’ve included some substitutions in case you can’t.)

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