Italy - Maritozzo


These delightfully soft buns are scented with lemon & filled with a sweetened fresh raspberry cream. I've topped mine off with some chopped pistachios as they match so well with raspberries.

I am a huge fan of fresh cream cakes so I absolutely loved these. You definately need to try these if you love a special sweet breakfast



300ml whole milk

500g strong flour

60g sugar

10g dried yeast

50g olive oil

1 lemon zest

1 egg yolk

Pinch of salt 


100g sugar

100g water 


600ml double cream

1 tsp vanilla extract 

80g sugar

150g fresh raspberries, crushed 


150g chopped pistachios

Icing sugar, to dust 



Warm milk until just warm to the touch. Add 100g of the flour, all of the sugar and yeast & whisk to combine. Cover and set aside for 20 minutes.

Add remaining 400g flour, oil, lemon zest, egg yolk and salt. Mix to combine. Place onto a worktop and knead for 10 minutes until you have a smooth ball. Place into an oiled bowl, cover and leave to rise for 1 hour. Knock back the dough by punching the middle down, re-cover and refridgerate overnight. 

The next day take the dough from the fridge and divide into 10 equal pieces. Shape into balls and place onto two lined baking trays, leaving a few inches between. Cover with loose clingfilm and leave to rise between 1 and 1 1/2 hours, until doubled in size. Pre-heat oven to 180C. 

Once risen bake for 15-20 minutes, or until a deep golden brown. While the buns bake, combine the sugar and water for the syrup, in a pan, and heat until boiling. Brush onto the buns as soon as they come out of the oven. Leave to cool. 


Whip the cream with sugar and vanilla until soft peaks. Fold in the crushed raspberries

Cut a slit down the centre of each one (not cutting the whole way through, but mostly.) Fill with the Raspberry cream and smooth with a palette knife. Roll in chopped pistachios and dust with icing sugar. Serve and eat.


Spiced Chilli Hot Chocolate


Hungary - Pogácsa